February 17, 2025

The Library’s 30th Anniversary

On Saturday September 18th, the West Bridgewater Public Library celebrated its 30th anniversary. The current director, Ellen Snoeyenbos, talked about how the past years of being the library director have felt special to her. When reflecting on her time in office, Ellen and the library staff made the library a talking point for the community- and more, the face of town unity. Towards the end of her speech, after reflecting on her tenure as director, she mentioned her date of retirement and passing the torch to Laura Williams on November 6th as the new library director for our town.

Last but not least, the previous Director of the WBPL, Beth Roll Smith, spoke briefly discussing the library’s history. In her speech, the central theme was about what the library stood for: education, information, entertainment, and community involvement. The library has successfully implemented each of these cornerstones making them the very foundation for the library and for members of our town to reflect upon and enjoy for many generations to come.

Eric Ames, reporter